
Issues and Responses of Stakeholders

    Stakeholders     Main Subjects     Reaction and Frequency
    Shareholders/ Investor
  • Business Plan
  • Business Performance
  • Company Governance
  • Information Transparency
  • Information
  • Business Income Announcement (Monthly)
  • Financial Statement Announcement(Annual/ Quarterly)
  • Convene Shareholders’ Meeting(Annual)
  • MOPS and Company Official Website Information Announcement(Irregular)
  • Explanation from Official Spokesperson(Irregular)
  • Compensation and Benefits
  • Labor Relations and Rights
  • Occupational Safety
  • Reasonable Rules and Regulations
  • Communication Channels for Expressing Opinions
  • Employee Training
  • Performance Evaluation and Promotion System
  • Employee Welfare Committee(Quarterly)
  • Labor-Management Committee(Quarterly)
  • Corporate Communication Intranet/ Email(Irregular)
  • Employee Suggestions Box(Irregular)
  • Employees Satisfaction Survey(Irregular)
  • Products Quality Supervision
  • Products Safety Management
  • Compliance Code Of Conduct
  • Information Transparency
  • Sales Call(Monthly)
  • Communication Meetings(Irregular)
  • Customer Satisfaction Survey(Irregular)
  • Contact with Email and Phone Call(Irregular)
  • Quality and Prices Management
  • Supply Term
  • Supplier Evaluation
  • Signing Supply Agreement(Irregular)
  • Sales Call(Monthly)
  • Supplier Evaluation(Annual)
  • Supplier Meetings(Irregular)
  • Contact with Email and Phone Call(Irregular)